website-translationThere are numerous forms of translation services that will be offered by translation services to their customers. An example of a common form is legal translation. This article will particularly focus on website translation. With the growth of other languages other than English therefore, companies have to consider this when they release information about their company and its products to the world. Some countries especially those in the East will use their national language as the official language in everything that they do. Let’s say for instance a company wants to market its product in Japan, for instance. The official language there is Japanese and English speakers are not the majority, this is why the source of information about the company needs to be available in Japanese.

Most if not all translation companies will offer the website translation package to its customers. Surprisingly enough, website translation is the translation service that is subscribed to. Basically, website translation is the process of taking all the content on a site and translating everything on it into one or multiple languages. Companies whose information is found in multiple languages will send a message to individual language groups that the company is concerned about them as a group of customers. With website translation the content that is found on the websites is not different in any aspect except language. As a result the information that customers from different parts of the world will receive is not different in any way.

During website translation translators are very keen to avoid culture sensitive issues that may defame the company. Translators are not just people who have knowledge of the language but they also have in depth knowledge about the culture and way of life of the people whose language they are dealing with. Companies that subscribe to website translation should do a thorough check to ensure that the translation was done in accordance to their expectations. This checking should include verifying if all the parts of the translated text are available, if everything was uploaded as it should and also if the links are working.